If you are ready to renovate your home this year, custom cabinets can be a practical solution. They can provide the storage space you need and the modern design you want. There are a lot of options to give your kitchen and other areas a trendy design. The following 2021 custom cabinet design trends are some of the options for your home renovations:
Cabinet Colors That Provide Contrast
The biggest trend in cabinet designs now is color. With new custom cabinets, you have a choice of many different colors, tones, and finishes. Today, this can be extended with features in the design that provide contrast. Some options to provide contrast with the cabinets include:
The contrasting cabinets and finishes will make the design stand out. It will also allow bright colors to reflect light.
Smart Multifunctional Spaces
The space in your home is valuable, and you want to make the most out of it. A good cabinet design will help you achieve this. Therefore, you want multifunctional solutions when investing in custom cabinets. Some of the multiuse solutions that can be added to your new cabinets include:
The multifunctional spaces will provide more storage and functionality to your home. When you need features like a home office or study space, these custom cabinet designs are the perfect solution.
Cabinetry That Flows
In any design, a good flow is important. You want the cabinetry to have a smart design for the main living space in your home. Features you may want to consider for a good-flowing cabinet design include:
Open-concept interior designs will allow cabinets to flow from one space to another. This will unite the main areas of your home for a more contemporary style.
Attractive Faces for Appliances
There are also options to use cabinet facing in other areas. This can be a great improvement for appliances and cabinets for electronics. The faces can also be finished with many different materials, including:
The faces can be the features that create the contrasting tones you are trying to achieve in interior design. This gives your home a modern style once all the cabinetry has been installed.
Clever Indirect Lighting
When you are installing cabinets, the lighting in your home may not be something you think about. There are many ways that the cabinets can be used for clever indirect lighting, including:
The indirect lighting brightens the spaces without glare and other inconveniences. This is a great solution for a home theater or entertainment center. The lighting in cabinets for electronics will provide backlighting and improve the atmosphere.
Installing custom cabinets will give you options for features that extend far beyond the kitchen. Contact a custom cabinet service to start planning these trendy improvements for your next renovation project.